I have experienced first hand, Lindy’s wonderful ability to teach.  She shares her vast knowledge on many topics by condensing the material and making the information understandable to the layperson.   Her seminars are concise and offer both skilled practitioners of other modalities and those just curious, a window into the seemingly endless mastery of her studies. – JoAnn M. Christy, C.M.T.

Dear Lindy,

I thought you might be interested in my response to the Chakra Workshop.  I came home afterward feeling contentedly sleepy and very much in my body.  I went to bed early and slept like a baby, unusual for me in both cases.  The next morning I awoke expecting my standard stiffness.  But there was none.  No aches or pains either.  Very strange indeed.  “Stranger” things were yet to come.  I sat down and journaled for the first time within memory, although there was a time I did that every morning of my life.  The journal pages helped me focus the work we did on Saturday.  If I were to chose one thing that resonated most deeply from all the wonderful things in that oh-so-rich workshop, it would be this idea:  Spirit does not have a body, but we do and it is time for all of us to step up and take part in the work of Spirit.  We are the hands, the feet, the body of Spirit and one of the reasons to stay alive long into old age is to further that work.  Following is one of the notes from my journal: “I want to take those things that have worked for me in the past and bring them to my life now so the flow that is me continues and I don’t feel chopped up into ‘chapters.’  The growing older will not seem an aberration, a ‘wrench’ from who I was, but a way of opening, of accepting my ‘leaky margins’ and my eventual dissolving into the whole of being.  The aspect of the day that spoke to me most was the idea of the partnership of Spirit and this body.  How they – we – need each other, how we must rely on each other to accomplish what we came here for.”

There were many other things I said in those pages, many important realizations, but that was the essence, that is the reason (for me, at least) to set my chakras spinning.

And speaking of spinning, after I wrote, I went downstairs, turned on music, and spontaneously began to dance.  I danced and danced until I began to cry for joy and shout “Yes!  Yes!  Yes!”

Yes.  Thank you so much, dear Lindy, for all I learned in those precious days.

Tinka – Catherine Finn

I attended a class on Power Animals taught by Lindy Ferrigno.  The class was not only informative on the informational level but on the experiential level as well.  It offered me a direct experience of my personal relationship to my power animals.  Lindy is a skilled Shaman who guided me on a deep journey with patience and skill so that I could have the direct experience of being with my totem animals.  She created and sustained a very safe relaxed atmosphere, allowing me to receive the information that I needed to continue on my healing journey.  Lindy’s deep visceral experience of the shamanic world and her connection to it allows for a rich and deep experience in any class she may teach.  I highly recommend her as a teacher. – Anna KD Blum, PMH, CS, BC